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Old 05-17-2010, 05:20 PM   #2696 (permalink)
أمهاتك[وهور]Aura Euphoria
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Join Date: Dec 2003
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Originally Posted by trace87 View Post
it seems to me that when I am on Xanax is am fully aware of what is happening(haven't ever done a TON though). but after, there is no memory.
Not for me, but like a fool, I enjoy drinking with any pill that enters my body.
Last time I drank a 5th of Jaeger, a bottle of wine, and ate roughly 25mgs. I pretty much should have died, but instead, my co-worker/buddy woke me up three days later, with blood all over my house, all over my clothes and wrapped in my bloody T shirt. I punched out a double pain window to my own house, threw half of my stuff around, and missed two days of work. I'm pretty sure after I went ballistic, I just slept for about two days, because I wasn;t missing much weed, unless I forgot about it. I'm sure I posted of it in here, as it was the scariest moment ever waking up covered in blood and having blood smeared all over the walls and house. I honestly was expecting to find a body. I called my cousin during this event, and amongst telling him I was a ninja, I kept thinking he was sitting in a chair next to me and we were just having a face to face conversation.

Paloma, you are the one that always tells me to be careful with benzos! Anytime I start hitting them for a couple days I think of a little evil green haired you over my shoulder waving that finger in disappointment.

Lew Harrison, who looked like an anarchist with his red eyes and fierce black beard, had been writing furiously in one corner of the room. "That's good—happiness by the kilowatt," he said. "Buy your happiness the way you buy light."
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