Originally Posted by Bulldog
I've always had a little bit of a grip on French, and that's mainly from way back when I used to study it in junior school or when I'd spend a little tiome in Le Havre and Calais (back when my parents could actually afford holidays). Along with German, it's one of those languages I just have an easier time getting the jist of than others in general for some weird reason. That said, I'm far from fluent in either though.
Either way, I didn't think any of the film got lost in translation at all - I could just see it as the Four Weddings of 1930s France, only a gazillion times more enjoyable. It helps that Renoir's become one of my favourite directors and writers in recent months too - La Grande Illusion and Le Bete Humaine are absolute fantastic films too, even if they're not quite on par with the one I just re-watched.
Yup, I got some of these languages too. French and German are favourites also. Weirdly so, I still haven't watched the classics of French Cinema, although I KNOW I'm missing a lot.