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Old 05-16-2010, 02:10 PM   #2688 (permalink)
Freebase Dali
Partying on the inside
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I sorta know what you're talking about with the deja vu feeling as I've had that a lot, if we're talking about the same thing. Typically I would get it heavy before all out ego-death, regardless of the trip being good or bad.
I've analyzed it and the most logical conclusion I've come up with that's supported by known effects of psychedelics is that the deja vu feeling is repressed or forgotten memories surfacing or trying to.
Psychedelics tend to do that whether you're aware of it or not, and it's possible that the deja vu feeling is a function of that process. I doubt there's any way to really prove it, but it's the assumption I've made that makes the most sense to me.

I wouldn't think too much into it. Psychedelics have a way of making things seem more important than they really are and I don't think there's anything spiritual or significant about a chemical interacting with synapses and receptors in your brain... but it sure does feel like it at the time.
Best thing is to just enjoy it and not try to out-think it.
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