Great review of Permanent Waves. My mom is a huge Rush fan, and as a kid I remember seeing a copy of this record as well as a copy of 2112 in her collection that were almost completely worn out. I'm familiar with all the singles of course, and I'd like to thank you for sharing some of the deeper album cuts. All three of them are amazing musicians.
Neil Peart did a hilarious interview a couple of years ago with Rick Mercer - he's kind of like John Stewart or Stephen Colbert, except he goes out and does interviews, as well as the fake news type of thing. You get to see Neil's amazing kit and hear him play some cool stuff. Here it is if anyone's interested:
I know a few people who went to the same high school as Neil Peart in Hamilton ON, though not at the same time!
Last edited by Burning Down; 05-13-2010 at 05:48 PM.
Reason: video link.