Originally Posted by hip hop bunny hop
Paul McCartney is ****. GG Allin is superior to him in every measure. GG was proficient with all rock instruments, and he refused to be restricted by musical genres. He played power pop, punk, hardcore, country and everything in between. His live performances often held more in common with performance art than your typical bull**** rock & roll posturing. For him music wasn't a job, but a way of life.
GG Allin is, without a doubt, the 20th century's best rock musician.
you're trying to hard.
GG Allin was what Alice Cooper 'would' have been if he couldn't keep a clear distinction between performance and personal lives and abused every substance he got his hands on.
there are PLENTY of artists for whom music is far more than a job and very much their lives, the vast majority of those don't resort to acting like a caged monkey and flinging their feces at the crowd to cover up the very real fact that they had virtually nothing of note to say.
as for McCartney 'playing' every style under the sun, gimme a freaking break. a slightly homogenized twist on another style does not make it a reproduction of that style. 'helter skelter' is about as metal as 'i wanna be your man' is punk. if he actually put out full albums of varying styles then yeah i'd cut him slack, but tossing in an extra track with a twist of another style does not make for legit variety in my book. Beck is a more varied artist.
now for those playing the ability to play multiple instruments card = greatest all around ever then please top this blind guy - Rashaan Roland Kirk
there are plenty of clips of him on youtube playing all of those horns at once and not just resulting in a cacophony of sound.
on the other hand, when it comes to the output card Zappa trumps all other modern contemporaries with Aphex Twin being the possible future exception to my ears though he seems to have slowed down significantly over the last few years.