Originally Posted by hip hop bunny hop
Paul McCartney is ****. GG Allin is superior to him in every measure. GG was proficient with all rock instruments, and he refused to be restricted by musical genres. He played power pop, punk, hardcore, country and everything in between. His live performances often held more in common with performance art than your typical bull**** rock & roll posturing. For him music wasn't a job, but a way of life.
GG Allin is, without a doubt, the 20th century's best rock musician.
McCartney isn't exactly limited to one genre either:
Rock-I Saw Her Standing There
Metal-Helter Skelter
Dance Hall/20s and 30s music-Your Mother Should Know
Classical-Ecce Cor Meum album
Reggae? (Ob la di, ob la da)?
Country:Rocky Racoon