This is the ultimate no-brainer: Beatles, hands-down.
Sure, the Beach Boys had some good singles (and some good vibrations - sorry; couldn't resist) and even a couple really awesome LPs...but they can't touch the Beatles.
From a musical standpoint alone - I mean, Sgt. Pepper made Brian Wilson have a nervous breakdown...
He held steady in the bubblegum days, but when the sh*t got deep, Bri-Bri went to his sand box. And the Beach Boys were kaput.
The Beatles on the other hand, had John Lennon going completely off the deep end in the late 60's, but were able to hold it together, because there were two other amazing writers in the band.
The Beach Boys hired Van **** Parks to wrote lyrics for them and had session cats on every single record from day one.
The Beatles were four multi-instrumentalists who wrote amazing songs and played almost every single instrument on almost every record themselves (notable exceptions being Andy White's drumming on the first take of Love Me Do, and the orchestra on Elenor Rigby.)
I can't believe it's even a question in your mind.