I honestly don't understand why a person would need to quit visiting a web-page in order to get his/her life together. It's beyond me how that would ever factor into what actually matters outside of the internet unless that person is here posting beyond enjoyment and into obsessive need and effort that takes over that person's life.
Maybe the solution is to not NEED MusicBanter.
Maybe it's to put MusicBanter lower on the priority list.
I just think that if you can't get your life together because you visit an internet forum, then you may be surprised that it really has nothing to do with the internet forum.
Either way, you'll be missed. Just like everyone else here would be missed if they up and left, aside from a few obvious candidates. And everyone will move on, just like they always have in the past. The forum will go on, so don't feel like you're abandoning anyone. I'm sure I speak on behalf of everyone else that you've been a fantastic contributor to this community, so thanks for what you've done.
Maybe you'll eventually figure yourself out and come back to continue your contributions, or maybe just to leech. Hell, maybe you'll even come back to be social. (unheard of, I know)
Just don't take too long to realize you're making a mistake by thinking MB is the problem.
Come back soon bro.