In the midst of a recent sea of departure threads, I must add mine. I'll only be stopping buy occasionally to say hi or to update my up-and-coming Member's Journal (in the vein of Loveissucide's
Afternoon Delight). This is not a decision I make lightly, and I'm not even sure it'll mean forever. What I do know is I've been trying to get my life together and get focused on who I want to be as a person. I've recently made several personal decisions about how to focus my life, and cutting back on the time I spend here is an unfortunate side effect of these decisions. That's not to say I don't really enjoy posting here and being a member of this community. In ways you cannot fathom this forum has changed me. It has literally affected my life in a very profound and positive way, and I am forever thankful for the people on here who made that possible.
That's why I made this thread. There has been some debate recently about whether or not these threads are necessary, or are just thinly veiled pleas for attention. I can't speak for the others, but I know I made this thread to thank this forum and it's members for all they've done for me, not just as a faceless poster on the internet, but as a human being. If you think I take the internet too seriously, so be it. Maybe I do. All I know is that I've developed a more easy-going personality from this place. When I first joined way back in 08, I felt the need to argue and to "inform" people about how their taste in music was invalid and mine was superior. From spending so much time on these boards I've come to realize that it's all subjective, and music can be experienced and discussed in a much more intelligent and positive way.
Almost my entire musical taste has developed from this website. When I came here I was listening to one thing: Alternative Rock. Now I've developed an eclectic appreciation and taste for all kinds of music. I've become a real collector, a real aficionado, a real music head because of this place. I used to think "music is my life" back when I only listened to Led Zeppelin and Nirvana. Now it really is the biggest part of my life.
That being said, i'm 17 years old, unemployed, clinically depressed, and creatively frustrated. I simply need some time to get my s
hit together, to get to know myself as a person. I just can't see me posting here on the boards as frequently as I have been anymore. But who knows? I've got a pretty addictive personality, I'll probably be back sometime in the future.
Until then, I'll say a heartfelt and sincere thank you to the members of this forum. Keyleigh, Amandria, Derick, Antonio, Melissa, Btown, (I wish all 6 of you well, I think your're probably who I talked to most on here

) Akira, Bulldog, boo boo, Lucas, CanwllCorfe, crash_override, duga, FaSho (first person I ever talked to on here, hehe), Freebase (have fun modding dude!), gunnels, Highwayman, IYT, jackhammer, james44754, Janszoon, Paloma, khfreek, Lateralus (I wish you luck with your music, Kate. You are very talented), likuidcoka, LoathsomePete, loose_lips_sink_ships, mojopinuk, mr dave (I really hope things work out well for you and your mates

), nonsubmissivewife (I might end up running into you one of these days Sarah, haha) , Piss Me Off (you haven't been on in a while, but you were one of my favorite posters) , Rickenbacker (BFFz for life dewd!!), right-track (Thanks so much for your help over the last 2 years RT! You were a great mod, but your also a great regular poster

), SATCHMO (I'll miss seeing that big eye ball), Seltzer, Stone Birds (keep making music, yeah?), storymilo, sweet_nothing, Terrible Lizard (or should I say... Chollie Mank?), Big3 (keep reppin Boston, dude), TheCunningStunt (p.s
KURT COBAIN WASN'T MURDERED!!!, can't argue with me NOW can ya??

) , Captain Caveman (we never really discussed anything but you made me lol quite a few times) TumorAttitude, xEMGx, Urban Hatemonger (so long Urby, I'll miss your zingers), Vanilla (haven't chatted with you in a while, hope things are OK)
If I left your name out it's because I don't like you.
Just kidding. I just forgot, and not because you aren't memorable - because there are just so many people on this forum I've associated and posted with over the years it's just a little hard to process at the moment.
I would love to have ya'lls emails so we can keep in touch. I might send a few PMs to you guys in the future, who knows? And if you ever want to reach me just PM me and I'll probably get an email message about it and stop by to reply. I'm still on, feel free to add me!
Well, I didn't mean for this thing to get so lengthy. But I guess it's only suitable seeing how big a part of my life this forum has been over the past two years. Speaking of which, I'm sorry about all those "promising" threads I've started but never finished. If I ever get the time I might stop by and post an update infrequently, it's unlikely but... we'll see what happens. Anyway, time to wrap this thing up.
I'm wishing you all well. Peace, love, empathy.