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Old 05-04-2010, 03:16 PM   #66 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 188

Originally Posted by hookers with machineguns View Post
So what was the first punk band/cd that got you interested in punk? Describe the situation as well as you can- how old were you, where were you, how did you get introduced to them? Also, how did your punk taste change as you got older? Be frank and honest, no one is gonna criticize you for what you listened to in the past.

My story: About ten years ago, I was in Borders bookstore when I lived in Ohio. I was with the entire fam, and I ran across... Rancid "Let's Go." Gimme a break, cause I was ten. I heard about them from a few guys in an older grade. When I grabbed the CD, I remember thinking, "Woah these guys look tough. That guy with the mohawk is flippin me off." From there, things get blurry. But, I remember grabbbing the self titled the next time around, then "Energy"- the Op Ivy CD. I kinda moved backwards in terms of punk music, it wasn't until my early high school years that I cared more about the newer punk. At some point I briefly got bored with punk, and gave away all my cds to friends and family and started listening to gangsta rap. That was brief, and eventually i got back on track. Currently I listen to a bit of everything from most genres.
Wicked topic.

Nobody on here has heard of them but they are AWESOME. Can't even get any one to try them

I was about 15/16 not huge into puck but the Forgotten Rebels were a local band in Hamilton who I fell in love with...still to this day...

Album was ..In Love With The System (1980)

The face is familiar but I can't quite remember my name.
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