To avoid derailing that top 5 thread, I've moved this discussion here.
Anyways, to respond to your other post, Freebase, I think we should specify what we both mean by "losing control". I've done psychedelics before that caused me to act in ways that I normally wouldn't, but I still had that conscious voice in the back of my head that knew it wasn't something I would normally do. And it was always enough to prevent me from tearing open someone's chest.
Now, about what I said about not being able to recall the experience. To give an example, I've known people who try salvia, freak out, and do the most ridiculous stuff. When they come to, they don't remember any of it. All they remember of the experience is that the world started to feel weird, then nothing but panic and after that us talking to them telling them it was ok.
I just don't think the total loss of all rational thought would result in any self realization or learning. But now I'm actually very curious about the effects of PCP, so I'm gonna do a bit of research tonight.
Confusion will be my epitaph...