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Thread: Flu Shots
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Old 04-30-2010, 07:10 AM   #38 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Burning Down View Post
I think if you feel you need to get a flu shot, then it might be worth it. If you don't get it and then get sick for a week, that's a lot of time off from work and/or school. There is a trace amount of thimerosal in the vaccine, but it shouldn't make you sick. It's a more stable isotope of the poisonous mercury, and there's less of it in the vaccine than there is in a can of tuna. I wouldn't worry about it. I got the H1N1 shot in October only because we were visiting my grandmother in the hospital, and she was in a sterile room. Didn't have any side effects except for the soreness in the spot where they put the needle.
Thanks for the info Burning Down Yeah like I said, I've had the flu shot every year for as long as I can remember because I got it free in Australia. I never had any side effects or anything, not even a sore arm. Now that I'm in NZ and I just don't know if it's worth me going out and getting it, but I guess I should... like you said, if I got sick I'd regret it and all the time I'd have to take of uni.
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