Okay so, flu season is on the way and I'm wondering whether to get a flu shot. I've usually always gotten them, because I could get them for free in Aus. But now that I'm currently in NZ I'm wondering if I should go to the bother of getting one, plus I'm not sure how much it'll cost and such...
I have a terrible immune system and have often been in and out of hospital for various things. I actually DIDN'T get the shot last year and I got swine flu. My parents are medical scientists and I asked them if the shots are worth it and they said yes - they are configured to prevent you from suffering from the most dominant form of influenza strain at that point in time and the success rate is pretty high.
I don't know what to do, whether I should get it or not! There seems to be so many mixed opinions... I also heard that immediately after the shot you can get sick? I don't know if I want to risk this!