if w cancel those programs, you'd get taxed less, and there would be elderly corposes filling the streets.
I'm sure you like your money, I know I like mine. But some day we're going to be too old to work also, and what you've got in your Social Security check will not cover your medical bills.
Kilvorkian said it best, when we make it illegal for you to kill yourself, and when we don't have some social programs, we validate the Nazi execution plans of letting people wither and die with no dignity to their names.
Its a vicious lack of experience to suggest everyone should be self-sufficent, especially when talking about joint-risk ventures like insurance, and if they aren't self-sufficent "oh well." This reminds me of the video games I used to play where top-opinion suggested you should prep for mistakes, because if you are, you're not of a high enough caliber to be reading their opinions.
Not preparing for mistakes and disasters is text book, it isn't practical. And being from MA I can tell you first hand, regulation and price controls must be in the legislation because right now we're going broke trying to pay illogical and senseless premium increases.
Adam Smith never accounted for Greed. I'm guessing because he never really worked.