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Old 04-27-2010, 11:45 AM   #1883 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Captain Awesome View Post
I think Creed are awesome and "Weathered" is a five star album. I didn't realise this opinion was "Unpopular" until I joined this forum :p

also, am I the only person on this forum who realises that "Indie" isn't a particular sound but the abbreviation of the word "Independent" meaning one who is signed to an independent record label. It never has been a genre and I don't see why it's regarded as one now, maybe ebcause a bunch of bands who sound alike have surfaced and all been labelled as "Indie" but I'm tired of people calling bands "Indie" when they're signed to a major record label.
Quoting myself from a response to another user yesterday:

Believe me, I fought this for years. But it actually has turned into a genre and a certain style. Can't fight it any more. That's why it's harder to categorize now...tons of bands used to be considered indie because they were on indie labels and sort of rooted in punk, now if they don't sound like typical indie, some people have a hard time calling them as such....even though they're sometimes more indie in the original sense of the word than what they now consider indie.

So in other words, like or not, indie as a genre is here to stay. But all it is is alternative rock...some on majors, some not.
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I'd love to see your signature/links too, but the huge and obnoxious ones have caused me to block all signatures.
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