Modern Art is so pretentious it's almost a joke, now. Hell, it is a joke.
I only associate creatively with people who view art for what it really is - an expression of the inner self or view of the outside world through the eyes of another human being... not a contest to be a esoteric and pretentious as possible. I could care less if it's "cliche" or "kitsch" or "unenlightened" or "uneducated" of me to prefer Surrealism to a black dot leaning slightly to the left on a bare canvas. They call it "challenging", and I call bullshit.
Modern Art critics have pretty much been proven to be completely up there own asses and all about impressing other snobs. I've seen cases where the critics were shown "paintings" done by the researcher's children of the pre-school to kindergarten age, supposedly done by a world renound artist that all the European critics raved for. Not surprisingly, they took the bait and praised the art as genius.
Last edited by someonecompletelyrandom; 04-26-2010 at 12:55 PM.