i think, due to the unimaginable vastness of space, that the existence of aliens is quite probable. if you take into account the hundreds of thousands of witness reports in the USA alone, you might begin to think they are already here. enter Paul Hellyer, Canada's ex-defense minister. he says the governments of the West have been in contact with aliens since the 50s. his associates say they have identified nearly 60 species that are present in this solar system on a regular basis, 11 of which are constantly involved in the goings-on of earthlings.
as for worrying about things like intergalactic travel-time and the expenses therein, any species even slightly more evolved than us would find these concerns laughable... or just confusing, if they don't like to sound condescending. wormholes would be useful. antigravity has probably been accomplished by even earthlings already. the philidelphia experiment and the montauk project (if they offer any truth) say that space and time can be bent and broken and leaped through at will.
at the risk of sounding totally out of my mind, i will say anyway that i think humanity should mentally prepare themselves for the possibility of extra-terrestrials showing up one day. if you think this is impossible, please consider two things: 1) the vastness of space is beyond your comprehension and our earth's age in comparison to that of the universe is quite young, and b) book burnings have been happening for a long time, and thus history is much more of a mystery than most people are willing to admit.