Music Banter - View Single Post - Which genre of music dominates the United States?
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Old 04-25-2010, 05:55 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Emsanders View Post
Just wanted to see what your opinions are on which genre dominates the US. I personally feel like top40s rap nearly controls over half of people in my age range (18-25). All it seems to focus on is blowinnn stacks on dahh shawwwtayy and babbling about nothing worth while to humanity. Kind of sucks because only a few decades ago the airwaves were filled with wholesome (not all) vibes from artists who actually were writing music to allow us to understand one another.

We'll see where this one goes.

thanks for your feedback a head of time.
I usually don't bash entire genres or movements... and I usually am pretty open-minded to mainstream stuff. But I couldn't agree more that mainstream hip-hop is in a very sad state. There are a couple of gems now and then, but the majority of it seems to be so-called RnB (which today means hip-hop without rapping) or... for lack of a better word.. hip-pop (yes I made a pun), which seems to fuse pop singing with modern hip hop production.
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