Music Banter - View Single Post - Nirvana ruined rock music. Who agrees?
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Old 04-25-2010, 12:18 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Captain Awesome View Post
So being one of (possibly THE) greatest guitarist of all time doesn't mean **** to you? That doesn't reflect talent? What exactly are you looking for, a guy who can juggle lions while simultaneously smoking a cigar clenched between the ass cheeks of a monkey and humming the entire score of Hector Berlioz's: The Trojans.
having "the best"() guitarist ever and selling platinum albums doesn't make one band any better than another. Sure, Eddie Van Halen was probably better than Kurt at guitar, but that means nothing. They served different purposes in their bands. A solo by Eddie would have sounded like crap in one of Nirvana's songs. They were totally different musicians and totally different bands, trying to say that one is "better" than another is totally ridiculous. They made totally different types of music, so how would you even begin to judge?

As for ACDC selling platinum albums, that means nothing. Seriously, since when does selling lots of records make your band good? It just means people either like it, or the group is well marketed.

This is a really stupid thread in general. Rock music can't die (Neil Young told me so). It is too broad a genre (if you can even call it that anymore) and is too inscribed into our culture and the music that is made and listened to today.

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