I just watched
Hype, a documentary on the Seattle music scene. I thought it was pretty damn good, kind of exceeding my expectations in a way. To sum it up, it discusses the birth of the Seattle music scene from basically nothing, the development of a recognizable sound, discovery by other parts of the world, exploitation by big labels, MTV and the fashion world, and basically most everyone involved's general feeling that fame and fortune isn't what they were after and they're glad the hype is gone. There is of course mention of the well-known Seattle bands (interviews, live footage, etc) but they're definitely not the focus and I think that's what made this a good documentary. A good dozen bands I've never even heard of were mentioned, interviewed, shown playing, etc. Some sucked, sure, but it was real and they were just trying to have a good time and do something productive when the weather was sh

Anyhow, it's nice learning a bit more about the scene in the city where I now live. Even though I've been aware of the scene since the early 90s, this kind of puts in all in perspective. And it's cool recognizing places you've been to or seen.