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Old 04-23-2010, 10:27 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Ronnie Jane Devo View Post
Maybe you should specify what you mean by "work with". I recall that Mexico has asked the US to relax our drug laws which I'm fine with, but that's only a tiny part of the problem, and I really can't picture the corrupt Mexican government being willing to take major steps to improve the lives of the population it is arguably exploiting as it is. You can't just assume that the most idealistic solution is the one that's going to work, and not consider more practical alternatives.
You mean like racial profiling? I'm not saying you support it. I'm just saying that's what this new law can allow in essence.

Oh for christ's sake, police are there to enforce the law, not be everyone's buddies. What do you expect them to do, turn a blind eye when the amount of lawbreaking becomes inconveniently high?
What don't you get? Honestly do I really have to explain this again?

I'll spell it out this time.

1. If the police begin acting as immigration officers, animosity will grow between them and the local Mexican/Spanish community. This means that even if they aren't illegal, there will likely be animosity because of a A) they may have experienced racial profiling at the hands of the police B) they may know somebody who was deported by the police, a friend, a family member, etc C) they are afraid to work with police based on their status as a citizen (this includes anything from being illegal to simply not carrying your citizenship papers).

2. If there is animosity between the police and the community, there will be no cooperation with them. This will hinder investigations and other police activities essential to keeping the peace.

What do you expect them to do, turn a blind eye when the amount of lawbreaking becomes inconveniently high?
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