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Old 04-23-2010, 09:52 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Ronnie Jane Devo View Post
You didn't say that, I didn't say you did, and obviously that doesn't make sense.
I was referring to
Originally Posted by Ronnie Jane Devo View Post
Since you seem to hate the Arizona law so much Conan
but I misread it and didn't see the "the" there. my bad.

Originally Posted by Ronnie Jane Devo View Post
What on earth is the Mexican government going to do about it? They can't even keep their drug cartels under control right now.
That's why I stressed the US helping Mexico to deal with the problem.

Originally Posted by Ronnie Jane Devo View Post

That's a nice counterfactual can of worms. Putting aside the fact that the US can barely even take care of itself politically and financially right now, I don't see how it's our responsibility to tell another country how to run its government and society.
It's our responsibility because it's our problem. Illegal immigration is an issue in this country and "building a bigger fence" like The Bush Administration tried obviously won't solve anything - neither will signing a bill into law that has serious ethical and moral implications for civil rights in the state of Arizona. Why not? Why not work with another nation about an issue that effects both the US and that nation?

I don't see any harm in that.

Originally Posted by Ronnie Jane Devo View Post
I don't support racial profiling, but I certainly don't have a problem with 'turning our police force into immigration officers'. If someone is afraid to speak to a police officer because they're doing something illegal, then maybe they shouldn't be doing something illegal in the first place... a novel idea, I know.
That doesn't change the fact that this will lead to distrust of the police and interfere with police activities and investigations. That undermines the security of an area - whether the illegals have the moral right to be here or they don't I'm not addressing. I'm simply stating what many Police Chiefs across the country (including Arizona) have already said.
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