
After the rapture in the music press that greeted their debut, Tindersticks didn't shy away from the follow-up, creating possibly their finest record in the proccess. The record is every bit as ambitious as the debut, and could not under any circumstances be described as uplifting. It begins with the astoundingly cinematic El Diablo En El Ojo, in which Stuart Staples warns us "there's things you gotta see....", a promise bourne out by the second track A Night In, with all the glorious promise of tracks such as Blood and Raindrops from the debut fuffilled as Staples mourns his failure in a relationship to Walker-esque strings. The rest of the album remains as strong as this throughout, sacrificing the widescreen tapestry of the debut in favour of focus, with the album sticking to their balladeering strengths for the most part. Whilst the tone of the record may be bleak, there is humour in tracks like the inspired My Sister, and constant musical invention throughout the album, with the songwriting being some of the strongest of the 90's. Wonerful tracks such as the lovesick "Seaweed" and the bittersweet Travelling Light ensure the record is never a dirge.
In conclusion, one of the best records of the 1990's, and essential listening for any fan of quality songwriting and Scott Walker.