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Old 04-22-2010, 07:26 PM   #53 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by mr dave View Post
i hear your pain and wasn't trying to single you out. it's not an easy thing to overcome but it WILL pay off in the end. maybe not with a mansion and an underground garage but getting through a life challenge like this can't not have a lasting effect on your personal character.

i also graduted in 2000 with a bunch of software and IT papers under my belt. you remember what happened to the ultra hot IT industry 10 years ago?... it was awesome... and for those too young to remember - by awesome i mean completely imploding on the foolish excess that had been dumped into it throughout the 90s. when i started school everyone was pushing IT and celebrating anything associated with a computer, by the time i finished 3 years later it was all about being a plumber.

most people suck it up and move on, learn from the experiences and grow as a person. but there are some who seemingly refuse to accept that doors won't ever be flying open for their piece of sheepskin, and it's their debts that my tax money now pays for. awesome. jerks.

First of all on paper looked totally solid. Secondly, are you a plumber now? I'm actually going back to be a Teacher which in high school and college you couldn't have bribed me to do. Life's funny like that.
I've moved to a new address
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