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Thread: Screaming
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Old 06-25-2005, 08:50 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Build your lung capacity as much as possible with simple breathing exercises - Serj from SOAD can sing for an unnervingly large amount of time. If you get into a face melting scream that doesn't die after the first 5 seconds because you're running out of air, it has a much better effect than you ending up spluttering on stage. Work on keeping your vocal chords open if you're doing a gutteral scream and sing from the diaphragm, because otherwise your voice is gonna hurt. If you're gonna try a high pitched scream, don't strain your throat. Again sing with the diaphragm not your throat, or you're gonna be doing some hurting. If you can reach the pitch you want straight away, slowly work your way to it by starting withing easy range and working up.

Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog
(I know this anti-topic, but im trying to offer solace to those of us whose screams leave us voiceless for days)
Then why not try giving advice as to how to scream without being voiceless, rather than just bashing?

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