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Old 04-21-2010, 05:56 AM   #355 (permalink)
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I've been a vegetarian for about 3 years now and I intend to be for the rest of my life.

My reason is for the whole cruelty thing-

Oh yeah and the thing that really annoys me is when people try to sort of make up for it by saying something like "I've got a chicken sandwich, oh but don't worry the chicken was free range". Well, yeah okay but you still contributed to the death of a freaking chicken so.... the whole thing isn't really effecting me. Oh, and then you get those freaktards who stand there chewing up a cow's ass in your face. It doesn't really bother me. It just shows how much of an immature loser you are.
lol, also if people want to eat meat, let them, if people dont, let them - cant we all just be at peace for frig's sake.
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