Originally Posted by mr dave
sorry for double posting but i just need to add 2 cents to this.
the other big factor that a lot of 'educated' people mistake is that the job is granted based on ability over attitude. you can train a monkey to perform surgery, but a company needs someone who can work along with the rest of its staff and in line with the corporate policies and procedures, especially if it's a specialized position. attitude and behavior go a LONG way and just fronting large because you have a degree and nothing else has the kind of reek that any competent HR person can smell from outside the building.
True, and I do agree that there are personality qualities that do go a long way... but it's not a matter of one or the other when it comes to career fields that require specific knowledge and experience. A great personality can walk into an interview all day long but if that person has no knowledge or experience regarding the job, I don't think a winning personality is going to matter.
Not saying it doesn't matter at all... I'm just saying it's not the prerequisite. If anything, an employer can only really objectively judge a potential employee by what's on paper. The rest becomes apparent after the employer has already taken a chance and hired that person.