Originally Posted by Burning Down
Every guy I know that likes those clothes is like a metrosexual type.
During the winter here the average low over December - January is about -20 to -25 C, PLUS windchill. Cold enough that if you don't wear the proper clothing (gloves, hat/hood, scarf, boots, coat, etc) your skin will start freezing after 10 - 15 minutes of being exposed. Nasty.
During the summer, it can get pretty hot. The average temp over June - August is about 25 - 30 C. But in this region our summers are SO HUMID, that the temp can reach up to 45 C with humidity.
Of course, I can only speak for the region around the Great Lakes. I don't know what it's like elsewhere in Canada because I've never been anywhere else in this country!
The weather here doesn't bother me, because I grew up here. Being from Toronto, I've seen lots of tourists (particularily from hot countries) during the summer or winter who are not dressed properly!
That's why in Montreal (and maybe in other regions also), you can recognize the Lebanese and Italian -In Montreal, people truly act in their assigned stereotype. They're usually the ones wearing designer jeans and shirts instead of the more appropriate warm clothes.