Hells Bells, who doesn't want to be interesting. and Coming out with an opening statement like I like everything but " Yodeling", can't help the situation.
And knowing my situation I'm might explain why "what I like is" so hard to answer.
I have been to one concert in my life, it was Creed. And the only reason I got to go is because it was free.
Also, you should probably know this, I own two CD. One is Boys II Men that I borrowed in 1993 and never returned, and the other is the Jay-z Black Album which was orphaned at my house after a "bring your own music" party.
That is to say that I have actually purchased a grand total of zero CD's lifetime.
However, I am a child of the modern age and the internet has been kind to me. So I have a collection of songs.
The biggest problem with this is that you are a slave to the radio. And when a song hits big, it is played to the point where nausea sets in. Overplayed songs get downloaded and then stored.
I'm not trying to be evasive or dull, but really I am a man in search of an identity.