Originally Posted by Indie_Lover
IMO you don't EVER use headphones to mix/master with. Always use a nice pair of Active or Passive Speakers. You can get a sexy pair for around £200-300.
The problem with headphones is that you cannot tell the amount of low end is in the mix. The levels won't work in the speakers because after 10 minutes of using headphones, you automatically push sounds 'louder'.
I'm studying Music Tech as a degree and have been recording for 5 years now, from my experience this is the case and all of my lecturers would agree so.
Hope this negative message helps. 
Not only that, but proper stereo imaging is another factor. While no one can argue the effectiveness of proper monitoring, headphones can be a good tool for particular critical listening when editing, as well as A/B referencing. Simply mixing/mastering your music through only your studio monitors might be great if everyone's going to listen to your music through studio monitors, but since that's not usually the case it also helps to tweak your final product to a medium through which the music will be most heard.
With that in mind, I think it's best to use a standard, mediocre headset that will cover a larger average representative of the listener's situation, in addition to a pair of reliable studio monitors.