Let me start off by saying - I do not like animals, they smell, poo, eat their poo and wriggle around, I find most of them quite repulsive. That is how I started out being a veggie.
That being said - the more I learn about the way the animals are treated, and what kind of environmental impact it has, the more I stand behind my own choice. Not liking them still doesn't mean I want them to be ''tortured''.
I must add to this, that I live in a hippy-town (

) and it is EXTREMELEY easy to be a veggie here, almost all places have vegan stuff on their menus, and all the shops are PACKED with vegetarian heaven. So it has been an easy trip for me, I'm not sure if I ''could'' be a vegetarian in a country where the only vegetarian thing on the menu is peas and carrots...