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Old 04-14-2010, 02:03 PM   #4 (permalink)
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 1,671

Socialist Labour or UKIP for me although It's scary how many people I know who are backing the BNP these days, people will allow themselves to put faith in some ridiculous things in times of desperation.

I was recording in the middle of nowhere the other day and I went down the local pub and the local conservative party gave me a free buffet for saying i'd vote for them. I felt dirty....not because I lied just 'cause I said it but it was worth it...Robert Johnson sold his soul to play guitar I sold mine for some Ham sandwiches and Plate of Garlic Bread. =D

Oh **** sorry EDIT I thought this was who we were gonna back not our predictions, Oh then Labour will probably win again, As much as Gordon Brown isn't exactly the best poster boy lets face it the Lib Dems haven't got a should and anyone who still remembers the reign of Thatcher, which is the majority of the voting public is going to do anything to avoid voting conservative, I think generally it's always going to be between conservative and Labour and that woman has damaged the Conservatives reputation irreparably. My father saw the brunt of Thatchers reign and he's a Union rep so if I voted conservative he'd still probably take off his belt and try to batter me to death with it bless him.

Last edited by littleknowitall; 04-14-2010 at 02:27 PM.
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