Band: Of Montreal
Male or female: Tim, I Wish You Were Born a Girl
Describe yourself: I Was a Landscape in Your Dream
How do others think about you: One of a Very Few of a Kind
How do you think about yourself: I Felt Like Smashing My Face Through a Clear Glass Window
Describe your ex: The Past is a Grotesque Animal
Describe your girl-/boyfriend: Your Magic is Working
Where would you like to be: Kissing in the Grass
Who would you like to be: The Miniature Philosopher
Describe your lifestyle: Doing Nothing
Describe the way you love: The Couple In Bed Together Under a Warm Blanket Wrapped Up in Each Other's Arms Asleep
And last, a few wise words: Let's Do Everything for the First Time Forever
Like carnivores to carnal pleasures, so were we to desperate measures...
Last edited by Nine Black Poppies; 04-14-2010 at 01:45 PM.