Back to the point of this thread here I go
*Note* I have not been here too long and haven't spoken to all of these people so may be completely wrong about there personalities.
Freebase Dali:
Gave me ****loads of help about my computer and was really nice about it all the way through I remember when I first joined I was kind of intimidated by him and I found him scary but like now i've spoken to him he is a really sound guy and he is really brainy.
I remember when I first joined I thought she was awesome and was like completely in love with her and now i've spoke to her she is pretty awesome but i'm not a wierd stalker type person anymore she has awesome music taste too and I don't think i've disliked anything she has spoke about ever so thats an achievement.
Probably the first person I had a proper conversation with on MB we were listening to The Cellar Tapes and chatting and I feel thats what really made me post more and come out of my shell here to realise I can talk to people without them thinking i'm an arsehole although when I first posted in the shoutbox I think I came off as obnoxious towards her so sorry bout that but yeh she's really cool.
Spoke to him like twice about movies and tv and he seems pretty cool when I was a lurker and hadn't signed up I used to feel pretty sorry for him because he always seemed to be in arguments but now I know he can give it out to.
Unknown Soldier:
Recommended me some good stuff that I really dug and now i'm more open minded with metal so yeh he's awesome cool guy.
Cool dude and it's strange because before I started posting in the shoutbox I hadn't really noticed him but now he's probably one of my top 5 members. + he recommended me Liars
Stone Birds:
Checked out his music and really friggin liked it he's a pretty sweet guy haven't spoke to him much but would like to in the future.
loose lips sink ships:
Cool GUY quite whats the word though mother****ing crazy he's very random and strange which I like in a person so he's cool.
Really nice girl and very funny to probably the girl that makes me laugh the most.
I love her she's so cute and smart and she's just awesome my favourite member with an all caps name without a doubt.
Cool guy and I really like his music taste but can be quite hostile at times which is you know not nice but he's sound reallly.
His journal is probably my favourite so yeh he's got cool taste.
Ok im getting bored if I missed you I truly am sorry