(Obesity) - how my friend Steve used to say it

We could've told him how to
really say it but oh well
I was watching Dr. Phil and they were arguing about being fat. "Hey I'm fat and that's O.K." "NO IT'S NOT! You need to be thin!" Now I obviously don't think overweight people should be made fun of or prejudiced, but I don't think they should teach the idea that it's "alright". We're made to be active and hunt for food, not lay on a couch and eat pork rinds. The overweight side of the argument were saying that you can be big and healthy or thin and unhealthy. The only issue with that is, well, I don't think there's been a sudden surge of people being "healthy and overweight". If you eat the right amount of food and eat what you should, there's no more issues.
What are
your thoughts?