Originally Posted by Unchained Ballad
A while ago a girl I know insisted I should hug her from behind, and it was the weirdest most uncomfortable hug ever, for something that sounds so pleasant.
Her request consisted in standing behind her and putting my arms around her shoulders. Since I'm quite a bit taller than her, my arms ended up around her neck, which wasn't comfortable for the both of us, since she almost felt suffocated and I felt like a thuggish brute.
Why not go for the waist hug? Why not the under-arm, under-breast one?
I never even knew that hug existed...
I like hugging tall people from behind them like when they dont expect it just hug them

but ive never asked anyone to give me a hug from behind... round my shoulders I hug people from behind round their waists, usually males so theyre usually same height/taller than me.
Originally Posted by lucifer_sam
I've found that there is strict etiquette when it comes to friendly hugging. Namely:
1) Don't hug on first meeting someone unless you really clicked.
2) Always under-arm/over-arm unless otherwise indicated.
3) Girl offers, guy receives -- end of discussion. Nobody wants to be the tool that tries to assert male dominance in the group.
4) Three second max contact time. THIS IS IMPORTANT.
5) It's okay to decline a hug, but you need to stay outside hugging perimeter (approx. 5') to ensure there aren't mixed signals.
You're a total genius. Those are rules I basically follow subconsciously. I always use rule 2. I never hug any other way unless its the type of hug I described to UB. I have a friend who heavily abuses rule 4. Its kinda creepy.