Originally Posted by jps
There is alot of good Grime from UK but if that's too "weird" for regular hip hop maybe try Sway from UK, Hannibal & Soppa from Finland or perhaps old Tommy Tee from Norway
Meh, didn't really get into the grime scene at all. Sway's first album and mixtape was okay but everything after that was terribly weak. If I was trying to get people into UK Hip Hop I would stay well clear of the entire grime scene to be honest. I'd go more in the direction of the battle scene or people like Rhyme Asylum.
"If we're all merely players in a play on this great stage,
the problem is the script writers ain't on the same page,
I echo through the mountain when I'm singing in the air,
from my lab a lad with lavish lyrics living in his lair."
"Wake up and listen, hear what's not for the public's ears
Pinocchio poets played by profiting puppeteers"