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Old 04-05-2010, 11:48 AM   #5667 (permalink)
why bother?
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To my sheer bewilderment, I actually really enjoyed this. Very good little slasher this one. Krueger's revamped look and character (all the corny punchlines of his earlier film appearances are replaced by sheer sinisterness or whatever the word for it is) was definitely an improvement, and the effects for his weird, dreamworld contortions or whatever were great. Drawbacks are that the kid in it's annoying as fuck and that the ending seemed kinda rushed and underthought. Almost as good as the original Elm Street movie, if not on par (though it's been about 5 years since I actually saw the original).

I remember when I was doing A-levels and my film teacher kept showing my class clips from this film back when we were studying the basics. 3 or 4 years later, I finally decided to watch it. I'm kinda embarassed this one's eluded me 'til now, because it was absolutely fantastic stuff. Apart from the odd exception (the wee lad from the Shining among other examples that escape me at the minute), I never knew kids could act 'til I saw this - four absolutely outstanding performances from the young stars here, and truly convincing portrayals of four very different characters. Kiefer Sutherland makes a very harrowing antagonist too (a role he'd assume again in the Lost Boys about a year after this was released). Straight out of the top drawer this.
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