I'm endevouring to have reviews of all of Tindersticks' albums up here, so as to try and explain this lot to people. It's always surprised me how even this era of last.fm and spotify etc making it even easier than ever for people to find out about new music similiar to what they know and love, that acts like this who've recorded and toured for nearly 20 years continue to be overlooked whilst similiar artists like Nick Cave and The National reap critical pluadits and commercial breakthroughs. Hence, in tribute to one of the most underrated bands of the last 20 years, I endevour to review the following
Simple Pleasure(1999)
Can Our Love(2001)
Waiting For The Moon(2003)
The Hungry Saw(2008)
Falling Down A Mountain(2010)
Lost Dogs:B-Sides And Rarities(2000)
Leader of Tindersticks, Stuart A Staples, has written some truly remarkable material which retains it's originality to this day, and continues to be a marvel in it's stylistic variety, constant change from album to album and remarkable lyrical prowess. Just so as to get some idea as to what to expect, the Tindersticks' sound can be described as a fusion of the romanticism of Ian Curtis, the literary songwriting of Leonard Cohen, the atmospheric pop of early Scott Walker and the musical inventiveness of Tom Waits.
First review at some point within 3/4 Days.