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Old 04-03-2010, 11:30 PM   #10 (permalink)
Reformed Jackass
Join Date: Sep 2007
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Originally Posted by duga View Post
The point of my posts is to show that the way capitalism is run right now is not working. Adding a bit of socialism is what we need. Look up the fractional reserve system and you can see in plain writing how economic collapse is inherent. Not only is it apparent in writing, but we have seen it happen time and again, almost exactly when today's statisticians and economic supervisors predict it will happen.

And in no way was I correlating anything you mentioned. Read my posts again.
I could go into more detail if you would like me to, but I'd say a system where economic collapse is inherent is pretty flawed.

And I didn't say socialism doesn't work...nor did I mention Russia at all. I mentioned communism as an example as a tried and failed form of government...but it seems to work for China pretty well albeit in a highly modified way. I think the same could go for capitalism.

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Originally Posted by Inuzuka Skysword View Post
I would just like to point out that saying capitalism doesn't work because of what has happened here in America is just as foolish as saying Russia's collapse proves that socialism doesn't work.
Read the posts very, very carefully. He was just pointing out that saying because capitalism fails in America does not mean it is inherently flawed.
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