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Old 04-03-2010, 03:40 PM   #9 (permalink)
Inuzuka Skysword
Existential Egoist
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Originally Posted by duga View Post
I could go into more detail if you would like me to, but I'd say a system where economic collapse is inherent is pretty flawed.

And I didn't say socialism doesn't work...nor did I mention Russia at all. I mentioned communism as an example as a tried and failed form of government...but it seems to work for China pretty well albeit in a highly modified way. I think the same could go for capitalism.
I was using the comment about socialism/communism to show that the comment about capitalism that you made is flawed.

You have to look at why capitalism/communism is failing/succeeding in the country of X. You can't just say "Well, communism worked here, so it is a good economic system." When you do that, you are basing your argument more off of correlation, which is weak.

Also, how is economic collapse inherent in capitalism. Please don't use correlative arguments either because in the world of formal logic they don't really mean anything.
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