Originally Posted by Engine
Smack addiction tends to take it's toll on one's intellect though. Sure you can be a functioning junkie for a while (even if you're stupid to begin with) but plenty of highly intelligent heroin addicts die young. Be careful..
I don't categorise using skag as necessarily deeming one a junkie automatically.. a junkie is someone whose strung out and can barely function without their drug. Those are the bums who do 'drop like flies,' but not everyone who uses is like that.
Although admittedly prior judgement aside, it does its toll on judging priorities regardless. And by that I only mean good things don't seem to good anymore, and bad things don't seem that bad.. or at least one won't care enough for either of em. Then again, anything can jumble up your priorities. A significant other is probably a worse drug than any!
The willingness to do smack is a pretty solid indication of poor judgmental abilities in the first place. Opiates themselves are overtly idiotic things to experiment with, just another way for the universe to speed up this "natural selection" business.
aye mate.. I wouldn't judge you based on wot you put in
your epidermis needle.

but in all seriousness, theres a million stupid people not doing drugs who feck up your little natural selection scheme. probably more than are.
And now why are opiates so 'overly idiotic' yet blokes can go off about their acid or coke or weed whenever they'd like? I'm not understanding where the bad rap comes from. Unless of course, YOU, sir, mister holier-than-thou, are XXX, in which case I'd understand your 'I dinnieken cos I've never tried it' attitude.