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Old 04-02-2010, 06:02 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jackhammer View Post
I have plenty to add.
I was eagerly awaiting what you had to say on the topic. Hardcore/Thrash (or 'crossover') is some of my favorite music from those years too.

Despite the distinctly metal cover that the band hated, Immaculate Deception is a bona fide classic.
Maybe that's not the best example but I really truly love those horribly drawn cartoony album covers.

A special mention should got to Void who were one of the first bands to marry these genres even if it was primitive. Are they a Punk band or are they Metal?
The Void I know is most definitely strictly Hardcore (harDCore in fact - maybe all those bands were a little metal). But I'm only talking about their split LP with the band Faith. I heard Void made some other 'more metal' album but I haven't heard it.

Here's my contribution..
Like an arrow,
I was only passing through.
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