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Old 04-02-2010, 01:20 PM   #2 (permalink)
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I'm not going to pay attention to conspiracy theories. The right likes to say that this is socialism. I like to say that we can move toward socialism without it being socialism. I don't think we've got anything close to socialism here in the U.S. because people will still die when this bill is put into effect. Far more than do in the european countries.

It was insurance reform, and I won't listen to those who champion the free market but then attempt to deny me what I pay for; that is, I pay for health care - you should be allowed to drop my coverage.

Obama isn't the Nazi's, we're not walking toward the destruction of the constitution or any of that ****. I voted for the man twice, and I stand by those votes. We're much better than we were in 07, and we're great in 09 compared to where we'd be if he'd lost.
I've moved to a new address
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