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Old 04-01-2010, 10:35 PM   #1 (permalink)
Yukon Cornelius
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Default It's been close to a year... Thoughts on Obama

I feel with the reform that this is more than likely the first time the people were not heard, or rather not payed any attention to at all.

Let me start by saying that this does bring promise to struggling americans, but those on the boarder line will surely end up being rationed as well. My opinion on this (which is in fact mine) would be that it is going to push more americans to rely on our governments rations rather than working for a living. I personally feel this will push us closer into a socialist situation.

How? (This is opinion based Theory, All mine)

Well basically in my theory the government cannot control a free willed american as much as they will need to in order to call "All" the shots. So with our governement taxing the somewhat wealthy (who will obviously complain and look bad for it) to pay for this reform we are actually helping them gain 100% control of the low income section 8 people. How? Basically If I was to give you something for free you would like me, If I was to pay for your medical expenses you would love me, thus I would have a great deal of leverage over your thoughts and your voice, gaining control over a period of time until, I was your voice.

I'm not 100% sure how they will take out the people with very high incomes but I am positive they will. I assume some will be living beyond there means and slowly have to start settling for less over the years until finally they are in the same position as the rest of us. It may be tax hikes over and over until its unbearable or many other things.. Either way I'm just a touch curious on your thoughts and feelings in this matter since it will have a great impact on my kids and yours or eventually yours.

All ponder no proof... Just perceptions
Attempting to find a cure for Stupid...
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