Music Banter - View Single Post - Miami and new York punk/hardcore scene
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Old 03-30-2010, 07:25 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by SATCHMO View Post
To clarify: I'm not being an elitist. I don't like NYHC enough to even consider being a genre snob about it, and although I do like it purely for nostalgic purposes, there's none in my collection. It's just that that's what hardcore is: 90's crossover of metal and punk created and perfected in NYC , and well I'll give Boston the credit they deserve as well. everything else is just, well...very poorly named.
Umm... you can't give any credit to DC? The hardcore scene there started in the early 80's, Teen Idles, Minor Threat, Government Issue and so on were already working on crossing punk and metal back in '81 or earlier. Dischord was essentially the beginning of hardcore as far as I'm concerned. Though the New York scene was starting off around then too, I'm not trying to discredit those artists. Just saying you probably shouldn't write off DC if you have any sort of interest in hardcore. That was insanely off topic but oh well, I doubt anybody's going to write about punk concerts in Miami.
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