Good call Jackhammer, that is one of my absolute favorites. If you don't like Melt-Banana I don't think you can say you like noise rock.
I could go on for a while with bands, but here's a few of my favorites.
That's a full album by An Albatross... sadly far too short.
Xinlisupreme is great for harsh noise, but may not be for you if Wavves is too much.
If you've never listened to F
uck Buttons, their music is like noise rock combined with post rock. Cool stuff.
While we're on the topic, I'd just like to know what exactly noise rock is. For example, would Telescopes fit in? They're usually classified as shoegaze, but they're pretty damn harsh. Or bands like Suicide, DNA, Swans, and other no wave stuff. Would you guys call these noise rock?