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Old 03-22-2010, 06:19 AM   #147 (permalink)
Mate, Spawn & Die
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Originally Posted by fairborn420 View Post
Just want to point out a couple things. First, I dont believe for one second that any teacher taught that blacks immigrated here and became slaves voluntarily. Unless this person went to school in the 1800s, I think that was completely made up.
Well, I don't know what to tell you, I'm not making it up. The school in question was in Auburn Alabama and I know the person who was taught that as a student there. She is in her mid 30s now so she was presumably taught that in the 1980s or 1990s.

Originally Posted by fairborn420 View Post
Also, alot of blacks owned slaves themselves. In fact, blacks were slaves in Africa, owned by other blacks, long before white folks got involved. Doesnt make it right, Im just sayin.
Yes, there was slavery in Africa. And in Europe. And in the Middle East. And in a lot of places historically. It doesn't change the fact that in the US it was whites owning blacks.

Originally Posted by fairborn420 View Post
I dont think anyone is trying to argue that slavery was right or that it didnt have a great impact on future blacks. However, I find it very odd that immediatley following slavery there were ex slaves that did well for themselves. Owned property etc.. Also, they generally were very family oriented and spiritual. Now 100+ years after the end of slavery the black community is in shambles. Dont you think that over time the situation for blacks should have gotten considerably better, not worse? What we have here, and its not just on the part of blacks, is a society that wants everything handed to them. They dont want to take responsibility for themselves or work hard to achieve. They want to cry about past wrong doings and make claims that someone, or everyone owes them something.
While it is true that after the Civil War there was an amazing amount of advancement for blacks in the US, what you neglect to mention is what came on the heels of that: the KKK, Jim Crow, and an array of other things which succeeded in pushing them back down again. I mean are you really arguing that everything was fine from the mid-1860s on and that there was no real need for the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s?
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