Music Banter - View Single Post - the WORST emo poseur band
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Old 06-22-2005, 07:37 PM   #136 (permalink)
Something That You're Not
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Cold And All Alone
Posts: 475

Any genre "label" is really just one person's opinion, and as such, is subject to debate. Many people may argree to one opinion, which lends credibility to the arguement, but doesn't always make it right. Personally, I have a hard time classifying bands because I can see alot of different genres within the bands I listen to. And while labels are good for helping people find new bands to listen to, they also come back to bite you in the butt (as evidenced by this thread). At the end of the day does it really matter if a band fits into the "Emo" (or the real emo catagory)? I would say no. If you like the music listen to it. If you listen or don't listen to a band based upon its supposed genre, that is very shallow. Like a band for their music, not for their label or genre.
I'm the lead singer and bass player for the band The Ascent (And Decline) Of Terrion.
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We're from Ohio.
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