Music Banter - View Single Post - favourite cheesey 80's rock/pop track?
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Old 03-13-2010, 11:13 AM   #1 (permalink)
Captain Awesome
On A Rampage
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Default favourite cheesey 80's rock/pop track?

Let's face it. Most cheesey music sucks, but if any era knew how to make good cheesey tracks, it had to be the 80's (personally my favourite era for all music).

So what are some of your favourite tracks? Most of mines tend to be from movies, "I still believe" (can't remember the guys name, saxophonist from the lost boys) and "Win in the end" by Mark Saffan are among two of my favourites.

"If we're all merely players in a play on this great stage,
the problem is the script writers ain't on the same page,
I echo through the mountain when I'm singing in the air,
from my lab a lad with lavish lyrics living in his lair."

"Wake up and listen, hear what's not for the public's ears
Pinocchio poets played by profiting puppeteers"
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